My life after diagnosed with cancer

Ahad, 22 Julai 2018

2 tahun selepas dignose Acute promyelocytic Leukaemia

22 Julai 2018 - genab 2 tahun yana dignose dengan Acute promyelocytic Leukaemia. Alhamdullilah juga fasa maintenance phase akan tamat pada 31 Julai 2018. Insya Allah there no more ubat after this, just regular bone marrow biopsy dengan cek darah dan fungsi hati.

Ada juga yang tanya Yana How do you feel? 

Bagi Yana life is llike rolling coaster, some time you OK, some time you feel great and there also time you feel so emotional. 

What I'm feeling now....    Mesti la bersyukur tak terhingga dengan nikmat yang Allah berikan. This month juga last makan ubat maintenance, next month nak cek fungsi hati (hope my hati OK ok aje) and in September I will celebrating my birthday in day care for bone marrow biopsy. Luckily kak Siti Mazrina Othman will be together with me sama2 buat biopsy 

Currently I'm just Live my life 
as positive as I could and 
always pray that apml 
never comes back to me again.

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