My life after diagnosed with cancer

Ahad, 3 Februari 2019

World Cancer day - 2019

4 Februari 2019 - it is World Cancer day and today is my 3rd year celebrating WORLD CANCER DAY – can I say it is a celebrations day? Yes for me, because CANCER has taught me a lot during my journey to become healthy again. I'm so grateful that i had finis all the treatment phase for Lukemia APML (Induction phase, consolidation phase and maintenant phase).

Yana would like to say that CANCER never know who you are, where you come from, what you did, when it coming and how it happen…

CANCER doesn’t choose - Event do you have a healthy life style or you don’t care about your life.
This is a list of famous people that had diagnose with CANCER

Datuk Lee Chong Wei – (Badminton player – nose cancer)
Zaibo (Actor – esophagus cancer)
Elyana – (Singer - lymphoma)
Kim Woo Bin (model & actor – Nasopharyngeal cancer)
Ben Stiller (Actor – prostate cancer)
Shannen Doherty (Actress – breast cancer)
Scott Hamilton (Olympic Athletes – testicular cancer, benign brain tumor)
Bob Marley (musicians – malignant melanoma)
Kylie Minogue (singer/songwriter & actress – breast cancer)
Hugh Jackman (actor – skin cancer)
Rod Steward (singer - thyroid cancer)

It not easy to accept “You have CANCER” but one you REDHA, Insya Allah there is a way to fight it. You never know how stronger you are after you being diagnose with CANCER. Just keep on going, don’t lose your spirit and always be positive.

This me today 

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