My life after diagnosed with cancer

Rabu, 4 Mei 2011

falling in love with: Edward Cullen

“Unfortunately Edward isn’t based on anybody – 
he is all imagination and wishing.
I think his allure is partially due to his old-fashioned manners. He’s a gentleman, and those are hard to come by these days.” – Stephenie

Edward Anthony Masen aka Edward Cullen Edward is a vampire who lives with a coven of like-minded vampires known as the Cullen family, who feed on animals rather than humans. He was born in Chicago, Illinois on 20 June 1901 and he is the natural son of Edward and Elizabeth Masen and adopted son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen.
Edward is thin and lanky but muscular. He has untidy bronze hair and boyish looks. Possesses superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and agility, and is described as being inhumanly beautiful. Edward has two medical degrees but has never worked as a doctor. He other graduate degrees are in literature, mathematics, law, mechanical engineering, several languages, art history and also international business.
Edward has a supernatural ability: mind reading. It allows him to read anyone’s thoughts within a few miles radius. Bella is immune to his power as a human, but learns how to lower this “shield” after her transformation to a vampire.

Edward is very protective over Bella and puts her safety, humanity and welfare before anything else. He often over-analyzes situations and has a tendency to overreact, especially in situations where Bella’s safety is at risk. He retains some outdated speech from his human life in the early 20th century. Edward sees himself as a monster, and after falling in love with Bella, he desperately wishes that he were human instead of a vampire.
I described Edward as dazzling handsome and charming. Bella has compares Edward to the mythical Greek god Adonis. His skin is “like marble”—very pale, ice cold, and sparkles in the sunlight. (luv the sparkles) She describes his facial features as being perfect and angular—high cheekbones, strong jawline, a straight nose, and full lips. His hair, which is always messy, retains the unusual bronze shade that he inherited in his human life from his biological mother. His eyes, once green, are now described as topaz. His appearance changes if he goes long without feeding: his eyes darken, becoming almost black, and purple bruises appear beneath his eyes. Edward is 6’2″, and has a slender but muscular body.
Edward loves music. He plays a variety of intruments, sings, and has an extensive vinyl and CD collection. He be able to play the piano like a virtuoso. He enjoys a wide range of music, including classical, jazz, progressive metal, alternative rock, and punk rock, but dislikes country. He prefers indie rock to mainstream, and appreciates rock and classical music equally. He mentions in Twilight that he likes music from the fifties better than the sixties, dislikes the seventies, and says the eighties were “bearable”.
Edward hobby is collecting cars.He owns a Volvo S60 R and also Aston Martin V12  Vanquish as a special occasion car (WOW!!!!). He also gave his sister Alice a Porsche 911 Turbo as a gift. (i wish he’ll give one for me too).  He bought a motorcycle to ride alongside Bella, but gave it to Jasper after he realized that riding motorcycles was a hobby she enjoyed sharing with Jacob.
The best about this character is Edward Anthony Masen is played by Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson aka Robert Pattinson.

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