My life after diagnosed with cancer

Sabtu, 15 September 2018

Blood Cancer Awareness Month - 2018

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month and I as a person who was diagnosed with blood cancer on 22 July 2016; would like to take a part and spread awareness of blood cancer. 

I really love the Make Blood Cancer Visible campaign that asking people impacted by blood cancer (patients, caregivers, family members, healthcare professionals) to help make themselves and their blood cancer more visible either by sharing images or personal stories of their journey with blood cancer on the media social using #MakeBloodCancerVisible

By sharing of these stories and experiences will help other patients and their family members, carers or friends connect to someone who is going through the same journey as them and the public can better understand more about blood cancer, how it presents and who it affects.

There is the BOOK about the unique journeys that every patient with cancer will face, the internal struggle that patients with blood cancers have. You can download the book here.

VIDEO Inspired by the stories of patients with blood cancer. The video is intended to raise awareness and encourage others impacted by these severe cancers to connect through sharing their own experiences. You can watch the video here

Early diagnosis saves lives.


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