My life after diagnosed with cancer

Jumaat, 5 Februari 2021



Challenge Day 3 - think about whether you might hold some assumptions or misconceptions when it comes to cancer. 


I have always heard that the stigma from individuals and society in those who suffer from cancer will die from cancer. Yes, I thought about it too before. But I am wrong, because everyone will die even without cancer. 


Today, our medical technology is very good and there are many treatment methods and drugs that can cure cancer or prolong the life of cancer patients. In my case with Acute Promyeloctic Leukemia was the most malignant become to the most curable form of acute leukemia. All this thank to all the doctors who conducted research on Acute Promyeloctic Leukemia.


There are many stories about cancer fighters who have been cancer free and live happily like other human beings who do not have cancer. Please do not die before you actually dying.


The first description of APL by Leif K. Hillestad. From: Hillestad, L.K. (1957) Acute promyelocytic leukaemia. Acta Medica Scandinavica, 159, 189–194; copyright Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

The first production of alltrans retinoic acid for clinical use, as 10 mg tablets, made by the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Unit. Courtesy of L. Degos.

Huang Meng Er (first author of the first report on ATRA in APL), Wang Zhen Yi, Degos Laurent and Dr Chang in Shanghai in 1987 when the first APL patients were treated with alltrans retinoic acid. Courtesy of L. Degos.

3 ulasan:

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